
It’s Our Fifth Birthday!

By June 21, 2018 No Comments

EDMS – your provider of powerful Dentallytics – turns five years old this month! When EDMS officially became a company on June 19, 2013, we were just a bold idea and a new concept to bring data analytics to the dental industry. And now we have customers across the US and Canada who have joined our platform.

We’d like to personally say THANK YOU ALL for helping us get to this stage. You embraced our ‘crazy new idea’ as we introduced a completely different technology into clinics all across North America. Your feedback helped guide us to develop and enhance our product along the way. And it’s just the start for us!

We’re looking for more ways to stay connected with you, so we’ve developed Facebook and Linkedin sites. We encourage you to follow us for new content and to give us product feedback. We are also developing a Customer Success strategy to help our customers get the most our of our technology.

We have some pretty ambitious plans for growth and innovation, including an industry-first product that will engage your patients like never before. Thank you for being on the journey with us.


To learn more reach out to us at

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